In Response to Ian Bogost’s “Video Games Are Better Without Stories”

Ian Bogost is an incredibly smart man. He has done more to validate games within academic discourse than likely just about anyone. He and Lev Manovich are largely responsible for my pursuit of videogames as a subject for my own … Continue reading In Response to Ian Bogost’s “Video Games Are Better Without Stories”

How Do Games Create Immersion?

Sorry, I’ve been away and unable to post for a while but grad school will do that to you every once in a while. I was actually working on a paper titled, “Absorption and Reality Effects: Examining Methods of Absorption … Continue reading How Do Games Create Immersion?

Why I Prefer Rocket League To Fallout 4

Fallout 4 is a massive game. Like most of Bethesda’s open world RPGs the game is vast and filled with a seemingly endless number of things to do. You can quite literally put hundreds of hours into Fallout 4. In addition to being … Continue reading Why I Prefer Rocket League To Fallout 4

The Elephant In The Room: Assassin’s Creed

Whenever I tell people I am interested in architecture and video games I invariably get the question, “Oh like Assassin’s Creed?” It makes sense, Assassin’s Creed is a massively popular franchise that is primarily known for recreating historic cityscapes. Up … Continue reading The Elephant In The Room: Assassin’s Creed